APED – Prompt 31: The Cheating Heart


This poem was written for A Prompt Each Day, a daily dose of inspiration.  For today’s prompt – we were given a list of ten words to inspire our writing.  The words are listed above.  I was able to use all of them.  Sometimes the words just seem to immediately produce an image in my mind.  Have no idea where it comes from.  This is where the prompt took me today.  I hope you like it.



The altar’s kiss

That burns with longing

In church, they share their promise true

And hands that held, befit for loving

Live and love with all that’s due.


Yet, as the years

slip two by two, and

words of love they share no more

For all the things they take for granted

They’ll never learn what love is for.


Eyes, that now

Search out the crowd

For something old is nothing new

An hour passes, maybe more

And promises kept are now untrue.


Mistake is made

And hearts can’t mend

While children ask with uncertain eyes

And lives they labored to build together

Were quickly shattered with his “small” lies.


© S. J. 2015

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